[ Real Name ] Maximo Myers
[ Other Nicknames ] Maxim, Maxdaddy, Shurgmaster, Maxican, Smax or Smacks (however it goes), Max, Maxim9999, NovaPhoenix, MAXX Weapon, Pony, "Maxim: For Men", many other nicks. (probably forgot some real popular ones. :P)
[ Date of Birth ] March 20, 1985
[ Birthplace ] Monterey Bay, California
[ Ethnicity ] Mexican American
[ Hair Color ] Black
[ Eye Color ] Brown
[ Hobbies/Interests ] Hanging out with friends, DDR, RPGs, Story writing, various Internet related activities
[ Likes ] Dark, deep, mysterious types
[ Dislikes ] Stupid, moronic people, who should be wiped from the gene pool
[ Future Plans ] Get a major in Psychology or a computer related field, or perhaps even something else; meet girl of dreams, court girl of dreams, get married and support girl of dreams, make baby Maxims to haunt future TT sites and future #tripletriadx.com channels with, rob an ice cream truck, sing bumblebee live at the Super Bowl in a humongous honeybee outfit whilst fighting off resistance from crowd and/or S.W.A.T teams, deworming third world orphans, win a DDR tournament, capture the hearts of millions of teenage girls by teaming up with Bandai to create a dating sim where girls will have to date various types of shy and timid lumberjacks in an attempt to win their own private redwood home and dumptrucks full of money, &c. (the possibilities are endless, now that I think about it. Looks like I'm in for a hell of a ride. Either that, or I'm on a god-awful never ending acid trip =D)
[ Why are you here at TTX? ] For the community, friends, a game or two (contrary to popular belief), and a continued aspiration to contribute somehow..oh yeah. And to prove that I'm the best damned elite lumberjack chat personality guy there ever was..~fades into bizarre theme song of a remix between the meow mix and ice cream truck themed songs~
[ Does Adam or Eve have a bellybutton? ] Let's say they both do to end this dry heave inducing experience.
